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Library Catalog SearchABC-CLIO eBook Collection - History and literature eBooks, including the series Daily Life, Critical Companions, Literature in Context, and more. Use your library card number for your password.
African American Poetry - Poems from 1750-1900. Use your library card number as your password.
Barron's Booknotes - Free online summaries and study guides to classic works of literature.
English Poetry - Find poems written from 600 to 1900. Use your library card number as your password.
Faber Poetry Library - Find poems written by modern poets such as Wendy Cope, T.S. Elliot, Thom Gunn and more. Use your library card number as your password.
Home Grown eBooks Collection - A collection of more than 1,000 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry. Download the free BiblioBoard Library app from your tablet's app story for seamless downloading. Use your library card number as your password.
Literature Resource Center - Articles, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, and biographies covering authors, their works, and literary movements. Use you library card number as your password.
Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases - An online reference tool providing synonyms and antonyms of words.
SparkNotes - Free online study guides.
Study Guides and Literature Essays - Free novel guides including full summaries, analysis, character information, and literature references.
Twentieth Century African American Poetry - Sixty two of the most important African American poets of the last century, including Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Rita Dove and others. Use your library card number as your password.
African American Poetry - Poems from 1750-1900. Use your library card number as your password.
Barron's Booknotes - Free online summaries and study guides to classic works of literature.
English Poetry - Find poems written from 600 to 1900. Use your library card number as your password.
Faber Poetry Library - Find poems written by modern poets such as Wendy Cope, T.S. Elliot, Thom Gunn and more. Use your library card number as your password.
Home Grown eBooks Collection - A collection of more than 1,000 eBooks from a variety of North Carolina publishers. Includes popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known NC authors, and award-winning short fiction and poetry. Download the free BiblioBoard Library app from your tablet's app story for seamless downloading. Use your library card number as your password.
Literature Resource Center - Articles, critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, and biographies covering authors, their works, and literary movements. Use you library card number as your password.
Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases - An online reference tool providing synonyms and antonyms of words.
SparkNotes - Free online study guides.
Study Guides and Literature Essays - Free novel guides including full summaries, analysis, character information, and literature references.
Twentieth Century African American Poetry - Sixty two of the most important African American poets of the last century, including Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Rita Dove and others. Use your library card number as your password.